
Sidan har tagit fram en lista med top 150 teacher blogs of the year 2016.


Top 150 Teacher Blogs 2016

På deras topplista finns många bra bloggar som jag besöker regelbundet, t ex Emerging Ed TechAlice Keeler, teach thought, The cool cat teacher, m fl. Som enda svenska blogg har jag fått plats på listan (dessutom i två olika kategorier). Roligt att uppmärksammas (även om de har lite svårt med stavningen på svenska)!

De skriver under rubriken Technology

Although a Swedish site, JL Solutvekling empowers teachers to become “digital literate” through the provision of articles and lectures that thoroughly combine technology in teaching without sounding too contrive. What’s interesting about the blog is that it does not only focus on presenting instructional strategies, it also presented substantial discussion on assessment, the aspect in teaching that is as important as instruction.

och under rubriken Teacher Training

This is a Swedish site that helps teachers become digital literate through provisions of blog entries and videos that will train teachers in this area. Digital literacy is brought to a higher level by this blog.

Gå gärna in på deras topp 150-lista och se om du hittar några bloggar som du tycker är bra.

Skärmavbild 2015-01-25 kl. 14.48.36

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  1. Mikael ÅSberg


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